Five Life Events That You Should Discuss With Your Tax Preparer

If you are getting documents ready for your tax preparer, it is a good idea to also do a mental checklist of everything that has changed in your life in the past year. Major and even smaller events can have an effect on your taxes and filing status, so it is a good idea to discuss all of these possible changes with your tax preparer before they get to work. Here are a few life events that can affect your taxes that you should bring up with your tax advisor when filing.

Six Expenses You Need To Make Sure You're Deducting On Your Tax Return

You can cost yourself thousands of dollars in taxes if you neglect to deduct expenses that you could list on your tax return. It's best to rely on professional income tax preparation services to ensure that you don't miss out on deducting any of these big expenses and enjoying the resulting decrease in your tax liability. The following are six expenses you need to make sure you're deducting on your tax return:

Three Ways To Properly Prepare For Filing Taxes As An Independent Contractor

When you work as an independent contractor, you are required to file taxes based on the income that you made throughout the year. Many independent contractors do not have taxes taken out of the pay that their clients give them, so they have to pay a lump sum when tax time comes. The guide below walks you through a few ways a tax professional may be essential when you have to file taxes as an independent contractor in the future.

3 Basic Tax Tips For New Parents

Did you have a baby in the last year? If so, congratulations! Your new little one will bring you lots of joy, as well as occasionally complicating your life. The same could be said about your taxes now that you're a parent. Your tax filings are about to get more complicated than they used to be, but the changes are mostly in your favor. Check out a few things you should know about filing taxes as a parent:

How To Get Aprroved For Financial Hardship From The IRS

Most people are afraid of owing money to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IRS can collect their money in a variety of ways, such as wage garnishment, a property lien, a property levy and through interest and penalties. If you are facing any of these IRS tax problems, then you need IRS problem solutions immediately. Read on to find out how to get approved for financial hardship from the IRS.

How To Avoid Problems With The IRS When You Can't Afford To Pay Your Tax Bill

If you've been working on your taxes and are shocked to discover you owe the IRS more money than you can afford to pay, you may be on verge of panic. You can't avoid paying the IRS, but there are some things you can try that may help lower the amount you have to pay or make it easier for you to pay what you owe. Here are some suggestions.

Why Have A Tax Professional Handle Your Trust Tax Preparation Needs?

The popularity of tax preparation software has made it possible for the average person to his or her own taxes electronically and receive confirmation of receipt from the IRS in just hours. Even if you want to itemize your deductions, find that you need to amend a filing made during previous tax years, or apply for an extension, you can do all of this online, without the assistance of a tax professional.